Legal and Ethical Considerations

Preparation matters.

The Consultation

We feel that the consultation is very important as it gives our doctors an in-depth view of your medical history, your concerns and what it is that you are looking for from your treatment so that our doctor can prepare your personal plan, give you advise about different treatments suitable for you and also discuss and give advice about our range of skin products.

If you are considering cosmetic treatments, we need to address specific concerns about your appearance and to try to achieve the look you have in mind, therefore it is important for our doctor to understand your needs so he can achieve results that will meet your expectations.

During the consultation we will take a number of before photos so that we can compare as you go through your treatment plan.  At the end of the consultation you will be given a folder which will contain the details and costs for the plan you and the doctor have outlined.


– Restore Cosmetics Team
Your privacy matters.

Privacy Policy

We are very commited to protecting privacy of the patient’s information in accordance to the Privacy Act 1988 and other relevant State privacy laws.

The Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information, how you may access that information and how you may to seek the correction of any information. The Policy also explains how you may make a complaint about a breach of privacy legislation.

Your privacy is our business. It is neccessary for our doctors, from a medical context, to collect personal information from patients and others associated with your health care in order to attend to the patient’s health needs and for administrative purposes.


– Restore Cosmetics Team
Your health matters.

Medical Disclaimer

Any surgical procdures carries risks. Before proceeding, you should always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may ask regarding your health or medical condition.

Restore Cosmetics is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should never ignore professional medical advice.


– Restore Cosmetics Team