Dermal Fillers – 5 Questions on Everyone’s Lips
We’re not at all surprised to discover that thousands of curious women regularly ask Google for the latest word on “Lip Fillers” and “Dermal Fillers”.
In fact, every day, our delighted clients tell us that this simple, subtle aesthetic treatment has made a world of difference to their sense of themselves as beautiful, confident women.
We think that‘s something to smile about.
If you’re contemplating this successful, sought after treatment, here are answers to five of the top questions our clients ask us.
“I want a fresh, natural look – can you do that?”
Our trained and experienced doctor Dr. Ishak will listen attentively to your ideas and discuss how best to realise them. As a medical practitioner skilled in cosmetic practice, he is brilliant at both the art and the science of matching results to expectations.
Dr. Ishak creates soft well-hydrated lips enhanced by:
• Adding volume and fullness and enhanced definition
• Reducing lip lines and ‘lipstick bleed’
• Rebalanced uneven lips and reshaping downturned corners
In addition to his professional expertise, Dr. Ishak only uses top quality safe, scientifically tested dermal fillers that integrate perfectly with delicate lip tissue to give you a beautiful, soft and natural looking result.
How do lip fillers work?
Lip fillers mimic the action of naturally occurring moisture-absorbing substances responsible for our luscious youthful lips.
Unfortunately our stores of these substances diminish as we age. Lip enhancers are formulated to replicate nature as closely as possible. In the hands of our skilled doctor they will give your lips a beautifully smooth rounded look
How long will the treatment take and how long will it last?
Around 30 minutes of painless injections will give you lovely lips for between 6 and 12 months. Lip fillers biodegrade slowly at slightly differing rates over time. Some clients report that their treatments last up to 12 months.
Is the treatment painful?
Lip enhancing products contain a local anesthetic. However as your lips are very sensitive we also apply a fast acting anesthetic cream to ensure your treatment is performed with minimal discomfort.
You will have some minor discomfort during the day following your treatment day when your lips may be itchy and slightly swollen. We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise and extreme heat and cold until the swelling settles down. But you can still go out on the same day if you wish.
What makes a Restore Cosmetics treatment different?
We believe the depth of our medical and technical expertise sets us apart and we know our clients agree. However, they also tell us that they:
• Value our honest and detailed advice
• Trust us never to recommend a treatment they don’t need
In essence two things define the Restore Cosmetics difference:
• Our honesty, integrity and care – we build long term relationships with our clinets
• Our brilliant, technically advanced lip enhancement treatments
Interested in enhancing your smile?
Book your initial consultation now with Dr. Ishak